Our Disney is where we are going. It changes as we learn and new hires add their insights, so please add your addition to the dream.


Sock Club Culture is constantly evolving and there are many resources to learn about it (including a large poster in main room of Sock Club HQ). But probably the most important documentation of our Culture is Noah's Sock 101 presentation he gives to every new hire.


Our Knowledge Base site is GetGuru.com. A place to find answers to your questions. Also to ask any and every question you might have and a place where anyone can answer. This resource is meant to be a central repoistory of guiding information. Note: please sign in with your sotmclub.com email address

Go To GetGuru

Most of our handbook information use to live on trello.com/sockclub and a lot of it still does. You can find your coworkers contact information, benefits, org charts, brand guidelines and other policies here.


Here are our brand guidelines. If this PDF doesn't answer your question free feel to reach out to maureen@sotmclub.com who built it.


Here's our employee onboarding checklist. It's on airtable please sign in with your sotmclub.com account if you have one.
